Spiritual Balance

Spiritual Balance, Mind & Body

Explore techniques like Bioresonance, Ayurveda, and more to harmonize your mind, body, and spirit. Begin your journey to balance today.

About Us

Transformative Healing at Spiritual Balance Inc.

Led by Dr. Zuluan Orion, our clinic in Weston, Florida, specializes in Ayurvedic, Natural, and Quantum Medicine. Utilizing cutting-edge technologies such as Biofeedback, Bioresonance, and GDV, we cater to patients from around the globe seeking total life transformation. For over 25 years, Dr. Orion has helped hundreds achieve physical healing, self-awareness, and spiritual enlightenment. Our holistic treatments include health improvement, detoxification, emotional balancing, energy regulation, meditation, and much more, guiding you towards profound spiritual awakening and well-being.

Why Choose Us

Experience Comprehensive Holistic Care

At Spiritual Balance Inc., we combine traditional wisdom with advanced technology to offer personalized treatments that address your unique needs. Our expert team, led by Dr. Zuluan Orion, is dedicated to guiding you through a transformative journey towards optimal health and spiritual enlightenment. With a proven track record of success, cutting-edge therapies, and a compassionate approach, we are your partners in achieving lasting well-being and inner peace. Join us to experience the difference that true holistic care can make in your life.


The Best of Spiritual Balance


Bioresonance uses electromagnetic frequencies to detect imbalances and restore health non-invasively, promoting overall well-being.

Live Blood Analysis

Live Blood Analysis provides real-time observation of blood cells, revealing health status for personalized interventions and continuous monitoring.

Photon transfer

Photon transfer uses light particles to stimulate biological processes, promoting tissue regeneration, reducing inflammation, and accelerating recovery non-invasively.

Biochemical Analysis

Biochemical Analysis evaluates body chemistry using urine and saliva samples to create personalized diets, detoxify, and improve overall health.

Kirlian Energy Analysis

Kirlian Energy Analysis captures the body’s energy field, providing insights into emotional and physical states and detecting imbalances non-invasively.


Ayurveda balances body, mind, and spirit through personalized practices, promoting holistic health and preventing diseases.

GDV (Gas Discharge Visualization)

GDV captures the body’s energy field, identifying blockages and enhancing well-being through non-invasive, detailed analysis and monitoring.


Biofeedback uses electronic sensors to monitor physiological processes, providing real-time feedback to improve stress management and control bodily functions.

Cold Laser

Cold Laser uses laser light to stimulate cell regeneration, reduce pain and inflammation, and accelerate healing, offering a safe, non-invasive treatment.

Expert Intsructors

Meet Our Team

Zuluan Orion

Zuluan Orion


Zuluan Orion, Colombian doctor and writer, holds triple doctorates in Quantum Medicine, Ayurvedic Medicine, and Natural Medicine, with additional qualifications in Metaphysics and Theology. He has authored 11 books on spirituality and consciousness, blending Eastern traditions with direct experiences from Thailand and India, guiding thousands towards healing and self-discovery.

Grace Orion

Grace Orion

Health Coacher

Grace Orion es una experta en bienestar integral con más de 30 años de experiencia. Especializada en biofeedback y transformación cuántica, combina psicología y terapias energéticas para guiar a individuos hacia la sanación y el equilibrio emocional en Spiritual Balance Inc.


What People Are Saying

“Conocí a Zuluan en un momento difícil de mi vida, y ha sido hasta entonces una guianza
y guía para que cambiara patrones en mi vida que me hacían seguir en el mismo dolor, y
esto fuera como una rueda interminable. Cuando entiendes que solo tú puedes ser feliz
contigo mismo, tu alrededor cambia y tú vez la vida de otra manera, solo guiándote con lo
que el universo te regala diariamente.”

Jennifer Peterson Hunter


“En mis años de formación con Zuluan, he transformado mi vida y mi visión de ella, me
siento plena y con propósito. Además, como facilitadora de este proceso de sanación, he
vivido y experimentado esta sensación de unidad, donde lo sanado y liberado en otro,
también se sana y libera en mi. Descubrí el velo que me impedía ver cuán sorprendente y
benévolo es el Universo.”

Diana Collazos


“Zuluan is awakened amazing Being. I’ve met him almost 20yrs ago and he has totally
transformed himself.
His spiritual development of consciousness is way beyond normal human being. His
insight, intuition, and senses are so accurate and genuine that we all want to achieve.”



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Ready to Make a Change?

At Spiritual Balance Inc., we offer personalized treatments combining traditional wisdom and advanced technology. Led by Dr. Zuluan Orion, our expert team is dedicated to transforming your health and well-being. Join us for a journey to holistic wellness.