Spiritual Balance

Transform negative archetypes into positive ones

Possibilities in Consciousness

​Consciousness experience all possibilities through us. To understand a little more this insight, we must see ourselves all together as a singular being. The one consciousness in you is the very same consciousness in me. When we see the universe in this unity in diversity, we can clearly see that consciousness is living all possibilities simultaneously, through all beings. The very same consciousness in the rich and the healthy is the same consciousness in the poor and the ill. Then a new light dawns in a deeper understanding, there is no preferences in consciousness, nor right or wrong, not high or low from the perspective of the Self. The awareness behind each an all experiences remains untouched by it. That’s why there is the law of karma, what I do to others I literally do unto myself. Then why go through all this diversity of experience? Love.

Love is to consciousness as the sweetness is to sugar. As absolute being, without the limitations of ignorance of mind and the limitations of experiences, pure consciousness rejoices in pure boundless love. It is because of love that consciousness moves from the One to the many, so love can be expressed.

​The vibration of love can transform and release all negative, dense and low vibrating energy from your psyche, creating a balance and well being. At Spiritual Balance we use Quantum Psychology supported by Bioressonance to create a powerful shift in yourself, empowering you to move forward in life.
Choosing possibilities in

Consciousness been absolute and the source of all intelligence, has no time nor space to itself, when we think of choosing we already thinking of a linear event that will bring an outcome depending of the choice. In fact when we talk about consciousness choosing, we have to see it in the context of the Now. How then can consciousness collapse a possibility when the context of time and space is out of the picture? All time, all events and all possibilities are readily available to consciousness. Focus our attention is a very powerful force that arises from our being. It is this force of attention that will direct itself to a possibility and collapse it. We are doing it every Now of our existence. What we experience is what has entertain our attention.

The most obvious question now is “Could we choose something different?” there could be different answers to this. On one hand the answer is “yes” simply because our being could focus or collapse another possibility. On the other hand the mind is the one that wants to change the current collapse. Not seen the true reason of why the current experience has been chosen, the mind would like to choose a better experience according to the meaning it has on its programing. What’s wrong with Now?

​At Spiritual Balance our professional staff can help you create that shift NOW.