Spiritual Balance

Balance your body PH in a healthy easy to follow up way

Core Concepts

Flow Systems Auditing is a method that is able to view several factors of the fluid dynamics of the internal environment of the body. This environment is often referred to as the “terrain” or “biological terrain”. While various fields of health care examine, isolate or treat one particular part or system of the body within a medical perspective, Flow System Auditing is not within this paradigm but instead attempts to gain information about fluid dynamics attempting to capture feedback of the biochemical/electrical environment as it might relate to key homeostatic controls. This becomes a truer measure of health and wellness as it provides baseline markers for viewing the body’s adaptive capacity to meet and conquer health stressors.

Gaining a more complete picture of this information gives the health advocate a set point to determine the most proper lifestyle, dietary or nutritional supplement direction based on biological individuality of the client they are educating. Further, this dynamic form of physiological biofeedback in conjunction with tools to help the specialist “connect-the-dots” to what is essentially textbook physiology can help uncover the most critical aspects to any imbalance. This is of great assistance to help re-balance individuals without resorting to treating symptoms or conditions which often turns into prolonged dysfunction and has disease implications.
For a conceptual framework of biological terrain, let’s talk about health and farming for a moment as they both have some things in common. Before a farmer plants his seed, he needs to be concerned with the balance of the soil in which he is going to plant. One of the primary things the farmer looks at is the soils pH balance, the mineral balance, hydration level, healthy bacteria levels and other factors that give him an idea of the soil’s “terrain” – i.e. the environment in which that seed is going to grow. If the terrain is unbalanced, that little seed is going to have a much harder time growing into a big strong plant. As it grows, nutrient uptake from the soil can be diminished leaving the plant with a poor “immune system” so to speak and it becomes more susceptible to disease, competing foliage and parasites in the environment. The need for herbicides and pesticides increases in proportion to the decreasing health of the soil.

A body’s cells are similar to that little seed. There is a “soil” for those cells. It is the internal bodily environment. To maintain health and to keep going strong, cells need their own balanced terrain. This is their “biological terrain”. And here also we are concerned with pH balance, mineral balance, hydration levels, good bacteria in the gut and other items of importance. Very simply, when these things are off balance the body is off balance. And when it’s off balance, it is reflected in the body’s blood, interstitial and intercellular fluids. One of the most dynamic of bodily fluids is the blood.
By observing living blood under a microscope, we get a real-time, dynamic and visual perspective of the state of our internal biological terrain or body ecology from a QUALITATIVE perspective. But behind this qualitative picture lie the QUANTITATIVE numbers which “pushed” the picture into being what it is.

It is these quantitative numbers that are the basis for Flow Systems Auditing and it is the numbers offered through this form of physiological biofeedback that lie behind the visual picture of blood which someone might view under the microscope.

Homeostasis This is the ability of cells and organisms to maintain balance by adjusting physiological processes.

Your body’s internal homeostatic controls are like teeter-totters that can move when needed between healthy physiological bounds—in Chinese medicine this is the yin and yang of healthy expression.

When a core homeostatic control gets stuck or is allowed to move beyond its norms without a corresponding ability to return where it should, adaptive capacity can be lost and health begins to fail.

Research in physiology tells us where balance points should be for different measures of health and those measures of health taken in the context of how to manage them is applied physiology.

When measurement shows that homeostatic controls are moving away from balance, it is a sign that adaptive capacity for vibrant health is being affected. If affected enough along the right pathway, ALL manner of issues and even events classified as disease can set in.

There is no disease process that does not effect in some manner a change in homeostatic control.

Monitoring the body’s homeostatic controls and taking safe corrective action as needed is the most effective way to maintain health – and to help regain health if it has been lost.

Proper measurement of your physiology is key because,
you cannot manage what you do not measure.

Your body is a unique electrical and biological “flow” system. From the blood, to the tissue, to the innards of every cell in your body, the flow of life is moving with the flow of electrons.

We are all made up of the dirt of the earth, lifted you might say from the periodic table of the elements. You are an electric wonder. From the neurons in your brain to the twitch in your muscle to the pulse of an electrocardiogram, there is a lot going on, and what is going on can be observed, measured, and managed for your optimal wellness.

The measurement and auditing of this life flow is appropriately called Flow System Auditing.

Flow System Auditing is not diagnostic in nature nor is it a laboratory medical process for any analytical purpose, it is simply taking a look at physiology through your body’s natural feedback mechanisms using tools of science. In the hands of a skilled practitioner, insights can be gained and shared so you can make more intelligent decisions about how you might gain more adaptive capacity and dynamic health in your life at all levels.

This is a rundown of Flow Systems Auditing from the picture to the math….